Mobile Repairing Course - after passing 10th
The future too looks promising for the mobile phone repair industry with predictions of its revenue growing at an average rate of 4.9% annually. There are plenty of jobs for mobile repairing technicians and hence the unemployment rate of such technicians is very low.

Course Outline:
Part I : Basic Electronics-OHMS law, types of resistors, AC, Diode, Transistor, JFET and MOSFET, Oscillator, Amplifier, Digital Electronics and Microprocessor, Use of solder rework -station, Use of Multi-meter, ESD in Mobile repairing, Telephone EPBT, Overview of cordless phone, Telephone circuit, PCB tracing fault detection and many more.
Part II : Computer software overview, Smart Phone GSM mobile network, CDMA Mobile phone, GPRS, GPS, WAP, Blue tooth, Compressing video file, Broad Band, base Band, Dual Band etc, Camera Mobile phone, sections of mobile handsets, Advance technology 3G, Advance OS like Android, Windows phone, Wi-Fi connectivity, Multimedia Phones, Troubleshooting etc.
Work Areas: After successful completion of this course the students will be able to work as in-house service engineers, customer support engineers, or sales/marketing executives of Smart Phones/ Android Phones. They can also start their own business in sales and service of land and Mobile phones.
our career advisor will call you
Admission Open for 10th, 12th, BA, B.Com, B.Sc, MA, M.Com, M.Sc, BSW, MSW, B.Lib, M.Lib, D.El.Ed, B.Ed, M.Ed, BCA, MCA, BBA, MBA, Diploma, B.Tech, M.Tech, LLB, BALLB, LLM, D.Pharma, B.Pharma, B.Sc Nursing, M.Phil, PHD.